Memories of you grandad


Created by ~My~Grandad~ 12 years ago
Grandad there will never be another like You could ever take your place,you too me were everything.. My Grandad,My Life..My Bestest Friend.. I remember you loved your garden and took good care and pride,I remember that song you used to always listern too on Galaxy radio the one you would often whistle to called "TAKE MY BREATH AWAY..So many special memories too many too mention right now,but i'll be back too carry on adding another for now its time for me to sleep wishing that you were still here,but as i close my eyes some nights i often hear you say "Lisa your safe so close your eyes your safe im here to stay" so before i go dear grandad until next time im here "GOOD~NIGHT" GOD~BLESS..X X X X love always N forever love from lisa..X X X X